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Everything Guitar


Businesses selling products or services may not advertise as such on Everything Guitar (or on our sub-groups).  If a business wishes to use Everything Guitar and it's groups to market on, however, they can request to become an APPROVED VENDOR

Marketing through Everything Guitar and our family of sub-groups puts your ads in front of 250,000 targeted potential customers.  Not even paid Facebook advertising can promise that large of a specifically focused audience.

As an APPROVED VENDOR, you may post advertising your product or service in Everything Guitar and in any of the Everything Guitar sub-groups.  Everything Guitar Admin will help promote and support your product(s)/service(s). 

There is no better way on the Internet to reach this volume of potential customers who are already focused on your type of product/service.

We do ask that you give something back to our community by helping to support it. 

To request APPROVED VENDOR status:

1. Email us and tell us about your product, products, or service(s).

2. Include any supporting information such as websites, social media, etc.

3. Tell us how you can help the Everything Guitar Community.  This may be by a small monthly fee to us, and/or by your offering up a product that we can use in our Kickback Giveaway Program.  We will work with you to make this mutually beneficial to both your business and Everything Guitar.  Your input is important as we wish to work with you in custom tailoring your advertising campaign.


To start the process, SEND US AN EMAIL.


New APPROVED VENDORS may cancel (or be canceled) at any time and may be reviewed annually.  Changes to program may affect APPROVED VENDORS but will only be implemented on an annual basis.  APPROVED VENDORS who became approved prior to January 1, 2021, are automatically grandfathered in with whatever deal they agreed upon at time of their approval.



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